Ethics : Values and Philosophy
Some of these are specific to piano tuning; others come under the broader scope of general ethics.
In piano tuning, Chris commits himself to the following values:
1 . Personal Professionalism and Commitment to work
2. Prices and Charges
3. Environmental Issues (See separate page)
Professionalism and Commitment:
Chris is committed to undertaking tuning and piano repair work to the best of his ability, in a cheerful, friendly and helpful manner. If unable to undertake certain repair tasks, Chris will refer you to another technician who has expertise in the necessary areas.
Prices and Charges:
Chris will not level unreasonable charges and costs for any tuning or repair work. Chris will be as honest and as open as is reasonbably possible with charges and costs for any work a customer requests.
Environmental Issues:
With Piano Tuning & Repairing, Chris commits himself to a minimal impact upon the environment (see Environmental Ethics page for discussion)